お買い物の流れHow to shop on our store
お買い物の手順についてGeneral flow
- 商品をカートに入れる
- カートの中身を確認する
- 必要事項情報の入力
- 決済方法の指定
お支払いには、クレジットカード、代金引換の方法がご利用いただけます。なお、お支払い方法によっては各種手数料(銀行振込でご購入の際の振込手数料、代金引換でご購入の際の代引手数料等) がかかる場合がありますが、すべてお客さまのご負担となります。
- 注文を確定する
- Add a product to your cart
Add a product to your cart by pressing the “Add to cart” button. You can change the number of items via your shopping cart.
- Double check the contents of your shopping cart
Click on the “Proceed to checkout” button.
- Enter the required information
Please enter your personal information, shipping address, and any other notes, if necessary. If you are a registered member, please login before starting your purchase. You will also be able to access your points, which you can use towards certain products.
- Specify payment method
You can pay either by credit card or by cash on delivery. *Please note that certain fees may be applied for when you do cash on delivery*. Furthermore, all such fees must be borne by the customer.
- Finalize your purchase
Before finishing your order, a page displaying your order will appear so please check to make sure there are no mistakes. Once you have confirmed that everything is in order, click the “Confirm your order” button and you will have finished placing your order. You will then receive an automatic email from “Yao-Kumagawa Store” telling you that your order has been placed.
お支払いについてPayment options
- クレジットカード決済
- 代引き決済
代金引換額 代引手数料 10,000円未満 330円(税込) 10,000円以上〜30,000円未満 440円(税込) 30,000円以上〜100,000円未満 660円(税込) - ※代引手数料はお客様のご負担となります。
- ※伝票に記入されている金額をお確かめの上、お支払いください。
- Credit Cards
You can use the following credit cards.
- ・DINERS International Club
- ・JCB
- 配送方法ならびに配送料について
- 日時指定について
- ・金曜〜月曜の間でご注文を確定いただいた場合、火曜に発送いたします
- ・火曜〜木曜の間でご注文を確定いただいた場合、金曜に発送いたします
- Delivery and fees
The delivery process differs based on which product you select. Please check the details page of each individual item that you are interested in.
- Date and time
Please specify a date 7 days or later from the date of purchase. If you do not choose a specific date then,
- If you order between Friday and Monday, your order will be shipped on the following Tuesday.
- If you order between Tuesday and Thursday, your order will be shipped on following Friday.
商品の交換・返品についてExchanges and returns
We cannot accept returns or exchanges due to customer convenience. If what you ordered is different from what you received, we will do an exchange. For cases of damage or of the product being dirty, we will consider the situation and may offer an exchange. *Damage by the customer is not eligible for returns nor exchanges. Please contact us within 3 days of your products’ arrival date to claim a return or exchange. Please note that we will pay the return shipping costs of a defective product on a cash-on-delivery basis.
Yao-Kumagawa Store
営業日についてBusiness hours
Business hours: Weekdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For any questions, please use our contact form or send us an email. We will respond within two business days. If you do not get a response within two business days, please send us a follow-up email or another inquiry through our contact form.
Yao-Kumagawa Store, operation company: Dekita Co., Ltd.