沢登りツアー Mountain Stream Tour
美しい渓谷を全身で楽しむハードアクティビティです。沢登りとは、かつて猟師が山を登る際に利用していたルートであり、日本独自の登山スタイルです。全身で自然に立ち向かう最高の体験をお届けします。*こちらのプランはPLUS WILDとの提携ツアーとなります。
Climbing a mountain stream is a hard activity in which you will use your entire body. We take paths once used by hunters. You will experience the Japanese style of mountaineering. Push your way to the top as you feel the coolness of the clear streams rushing past you. We will provide you with an unforgettable experience as you climb waterfalls and swim in the basins. *This plan is a partner tour with PLUS WILD. Please request the tour when you make a reservation at Kumagawa-juku.